Camp Billo Rules

Our goal is for everyone to have a memorable time while at Camp Billo. When you or your child attend Camp Billo, you agree to abide by our camp rules.

These camp rules are essential because they help to keep everyone safe and create a fun and enjoyable experience for all by helping to prevent accidents, injuries, and other problems. Our camp rules are intended to teach important life skills, such as responsibility, respect, and teamwork.


Rules to follow when attending Camp Billo

  1. NO CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES, ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, FIREARMS, FIREWORKS, OR WEAPONS OF ANY KIND are to be brought onto the camp property. Anyone not adhering to this rule will immediately leave camp.
  2. Campers are prohibited from using or possessing tobacco products or tobacco-derived products, including vapor (vaping) products. Those 18 and older may smoke tobacco products only in designated outdoor areas.
  3. Counselors are always responsible for their campers. Know where all your campers are located, at all times. Counselors and campers stay together as a cabin. Counselors must eat meals at the table with their cabin.
  4. Counselors are asked to serve as coaches at team events, but are not to serve as players. Staff members, not coaches, will help during games. Poor sportsmanship is not allowed at any time.
  5. Campers are not allowed to leave the cabins after lights out. Late night campfires for older cabins are permitted only when scheduled.
  6. Campers, as well as the kitchen crew and staff are expected to be courteous and respectful towards others. Remember we are at church camp so your behavior must reflect accordingly. Please take the feelings of others into consideration.
  7. Everyone must wear shoes around the camp. Tennis or athletic shoes are recommended. Appropriate clothing is to be worn at camp and bathing suits are only allowed at the pool. Please use a cover up walking to and from the pool area.
  8. Everyone is responsible to the camp director. All problems, big and small, are to be addressed when they occur. Everyone at camp is to be on time for events, especially meals and worship services. During meals, campers will eat first with adult staff eating last.
  9. No OVERNIGHT visitors are allowed during the week and no one registered at camp is to leave before Friday. If there is an emergency, please notify the camp director.
  10. Cabins and cabin grounds are to be taken care of during our stay. We want to leave the camp in excellent condition. Report any damage to the camp director. Cabins not left in good order are subject to a cleanup fee of $25 per cabin.
  11. OFF LIMIT AREAS APPLY TO EVERYONE: pool except at scheduled time, kitchen to all but cooks and crew, any cabin that is not yours, any place other than where you are scheduled to be, and the caretaker’s office and residence.
  12. Cell phones and other electronic devices are prohibited except in cabin areas and during scheduled free time, or in case of an emergency.

Parents/Guardians agree to rules on behalf of their camper(s).

When applying to camp, parents and guardians agree to these rules on behalf of their camper(s).

I, ( Parent or Guardian’s Name ), acknowledge that I have read the above rules to my child with the understanding that the child will be required to leave the camp for any misconduct or repeated misbehavior.

Apply to Attend Camp Billo

Thank you for agreeing to abide by our camp rules. We invite you to apply as a camper!

Apply to Volunteer as Camp Staff

Thanks for upholding our camp rules. Apply now to volunter as a camp staff at Camp Billo.